COVID-19 Resources
Due to COVID-19 BCIL offices are closed and all staff are working remotely. To reach us, please call 617-338-6665 and leave a message or email
The resources provide below are not services or supports of BCIL. They are strictly being provided as a resource.
Residents can text BOSCOVID to the City of Boston’s new number 888-777 to opt-in to alerts in English and the following keywords to opt-in to alerts in the languages below:
- Text BOSEspanol to 888-777 for Spanish
- Text BOSKreyol to 888-777 for Haitian Creole
- Text BOSFrancais to 888-777 for French
- Text BOSKriolu to 888-777 for Cabo Verdean Creole
- Text BOSPortugues to 888-777 for Portuguese
- Text BOSSoomali to 888-777 for Somali
- Text BOSChi to 888-777 for Simplified Chinese
- Text BOSbilAraby to 888-777 for for Arabic
- Text BOSViet to 888-777 for for Vietnamese
- Text BOSRus to 888-777 for for Russian
AlertsMA: Text COVIDMA to 888-777 to receive MA updates on COVID-19
In-home vaccinations for homebound individuals in Massachusetts
Stakeholder Homebound Vaccination Program Resource Guide – Spanish
Resource pages for Covid-19 in multiple languages
COVID-19 Vaccine for Individuals Ages 65 and Older Overview FINAL – 2.17.2021
COVID-19 Vaccine for Individuals with Underlying Conditions Overview FINAL – 2.17.2021
Vaccine Appointments Update 2.12.21
Home-based Healthcare Worker COVID-19 Vaccine – Important Update 1-20-21
Home-based Healthcare Worker COVID-19 Vaccine-ImportantUpdate1-20-21 – Spanish
Health Connector Customer Service
1-877-MA-ENROLL (1-877-623-6765)
TTY 1-877-623-7773 for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled
Information on Face Coverings for COVID-19
COVID-19 Resource Guide for Residents with Disabilities
COVID-19 Information for PCA Consumers
City of Boston COVID-19 information
Boston Public Health Commission
Massachusetts COVID-19 information
COVID-19 Communication Rights Toolkit
Information for Tenants and Homeowners
MassHealth PPE Program for COVID-19 Positive Members
Application for Temporary Hardship Waiver of MassHealth Income Deductible
State by State COVID-19 Resources
Call Project Bread’s Food Source Hotline: 1-800-645-8333
Call Mass 2-1-1
Direct info from the Food Bank in your area:
Greater Boston Food Bank
Food Bank of Western MA
Worcester County Food Bank
Spanish Resources: Alt text Spanish DV and Disability Spanish Spanish version Food Resources Spanish Version Housing Resources
Massachusetts Nursing Home Family Resource Line: 617-660-5399
Open Every Day – 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM – a dedicated phone line to connect family members of nursing home and rest home residents with the information and resources they need.
Emergency Childcare Program Overview
List of emergency childcare providers
How to File for Unemployment:
- The MA Department of Unemployment Assistance has resources for employees.
- To file for unemployment benefits online, click here.
- For assistance by phone, call (617) 626-6338, daily 6 a.m.–10 p.m. Voice relay 711 via their website.
- The Boston Globe published this helpful article on applying for unemployment in MA due to the health crisis.
- Información de desempleo de Massachusetts sobre el virus COVID-19 en Español esta aqui.
How to Apply for Cash Assistance:
- The MA Department of Transitional Assistance is now allowing phone applications for cash benefits. Their website also has easy-to-use tabs to determine eligibility and apply.
The TAFDC (Transitional Aid for Families with Dependent Children) program is for families with minor children, and the EAEDC (Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled, and Children) program is for seniors over 65 (who do not receive SSI Supplemental Security Income), disabled individuals, and certain guardians and caretakers who are not yet on SSI. Call 617-348-5354 to apply by phone
Volunteer with Your Local Mutual Aid Network
The Neighborhood Aid Network is a collaboration between Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. One example of Mutual Aid is calling people in your neighborhood, checking in, and making sure people have what they need. There is a call list where you could join a group of volunteers doing this work. If you want to get plugged into neighborhood initiatives, simply click on this link and find your neighborhood for a comprehensive list of ways to get involved as a volunteer and activist.