PCA Program

Four attendees of the PCA Celebration rally. Signs read" Fight for $15 and a fair contract"

Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program

Personal Care Attendant (PCA) services are a MassHealth program that assists people with permanent or chronic disabilities to live at home independently. This is a consumer­ directed program, which provides personal care services for people with disabilities.

Through our PCA Program, BCIL serves over 1,000 consumers living in and around the Boston area. This program serves people of all ages, disabilities and backgrounds.

Personal Care Attendants are hired, trained and supervised by the person with the disability, the consumer. PCAs do not work for BCIL or any other agency; they work for the consumer. As the employer, a consumer chooses who to hire, sets up a PCA schedule and trains PCAs to meet his or her own personal needs.

If the consumer cannot independently manage his or her PCA program, the consumer may have the help of a surrogate. The surrogate is often a family member but may be another person identified by the consumer who has the ability to assist in managing the program.

PCAs can help with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) such as:

  • dressing or undressing
  • bathing or grooming
  • toileting
  • eating
  • mobility/transfers
  • taking medications

PCAs can also help with Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) such as:

  • laundry
  • shopping
  • housekeeping
  • meal preparation and clean-up
  • transportation to medical appointments
  • maintaining adaptive equipment

If a consumer needs help at night, such as for repositioning or toileting, etc., PCA time can be approved for Night Attendant services.

PCA time is NOT approved for:

  • babysitting
  • recreation
  • advocacy
  • cueing, prompting, guiding or coaching
  • supervision
  • safety

Payroll, tax filing and reporting are handled by the Fiscal Intermediary. PCAs are covered by Workers Compensation and Unemployment Insurance.

If you are interested in being part of the the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program, call the Information and Referral Department at BCIL at 617-338-6665 to see if you qualify.

PCA Feedback

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