Community Living and Participation

Signs reads "Our Homes Not Nursing Homes" A symbol of a person in a wheelchair breaks their chains.

Being independent doesn’t have to mean going it alone.  Our Community Living and Participation department can help you plan how to live in the setting of your choice, with the supports you need,  to go about life on your own terms.  Whether that means figuring out how to move out of a nursing home, avoiding admission to a facility, or getting the most from your healthcare plan, BCIL staff can help you access the right services, at the right time, in the right place.

 Community Living and Participation programs include:

 Aging and Disability Resource Consortium (ADRC) / No Wrong Door network

A partnership between BCIL, local Aging Services Access Points, and other community-based organizations, enabling seniors and people with disabilities of all ages to have timely, worry-free access to the services provided by all of the partner agencies, regardless of which person calls first.

Options Counseling
Information and decision support for consumers and families at moments of transition in their lives, from exploring how to stay in the community in the face of changing life circumstances to beginning to explore the possibility of re-entering the community from a hospital, rehab, or nursing home.

Nursing Home Transition
In-depth help for residents of rehab and nursing facilities who want to move back into the community, including assistance finding or modifying housing, identifying and obtaining necessary support services, and eliminating other barriers to transition.

OneCare Long Term Supports and Services Coordination
For members of a OneCare (Mass Health + Medicare) plan, help identifying, obtaining, and coordinating community-based support services that go hand-in-hand with your healthcare to allow you to pursue your independent-living and recovery goals.