EVV – My Timesheet Program

**Please Note:  EVV Delay – PCA Consumer Letter  – Dec 2017

MassHealth will begin using MyTimesheet, an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system that replaces the paper and electronic timesheets currently used to record PCA hours. The system will be accessible to all consumers, including consumers with disabilities.

MyTimesheet is an easy-to-use clock-in and clock-out tool that allows consumers and their PCAs to track PCA hours at home and on the go, using a mobile web-based application. MyTimesheet gives consumers the ability to review PCA services. Because it enables the user to submit timesheets electronically, it makes the need for paper timesheets unnecessary.

In the summer of 2017, MassHealth will conduct a pilot of MyTimesheet to gather consumer and PCA feedback. Beginning in late 2017, MassHealth will allow consumers and PCAs to start practicing with MyTimesheet before making the switch.

Starting in January 2018, MassHealth will begin switching to MyTimesheet and rolling it out to PCA consumers, their surrogates, and PCAs themselves. Implementation will occur throughout 2018. This means MassHealth will gradually add new groups of consumers and PCAs throughout the year until all consumers and PCAs are using MyTimesheet by December 31, 2018.

MassHealth will notify individual consumers and PCAs before they need to begin using MyTimesheet. We will provide specific information about this process, including a detailed timeline in later notices.

Below you can click on the various links to get information.

EVV Delay – PCA Consumer Letter  – Dec 2017

EVV PCA Letter

EVV PCA Letter_Spanish

EVV PCA Consumer Letter

EVV Consumer Letter_Spanish

EVV PCA Surrogate Letter

EVV Surrogate Letter_Spanish

EVV – MyTimesheet-PCA Program FAQ