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Learner’s Permit Prep Group

February 26 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Study for your Permit Test with BCIL!

The Boston Center for Independent Living’s Transition to Adulthood Program is once again hosting our Learner’s Permit Prep Workshop series. This series will be 8 weeks of weekly study sessions, where students can go through the MA Driver’s Manual with a facilitator, as well as play review games and ask any driving-related questions they may have.

Group A: Wednesdays on Zoom February 26th to April 16th 4 – 5 pm

Group B: Fridays on Zoom February 28 to April 18th 4 – 5 pm


  • High school students, ages 14-22 with a documented disability (i.e. Individualized Education Plan, 504 plan, other disability documentation). You are not required to submit your disability documentation to participate in this group.

To register, click here. Students under 18 must have a parent signature in order to participate.

If you are unable to make it to this session, please reach out to ewalters@bostoncil.org.

Students and families have the option to pick up physical MA Driver’s Manuals from the BCIL Downtown Crossing office at 60 Temple Place, Boston. Those who wish to pick up a physical manual should email ewalters@bostoncil.org to schedule a time for pickup. The manual is also available online at mass.gov/doc/english-drivers-manual/downloadThe physical manual is not necessary to participate in the group, but students may prefer having the book to read along, highlight, and annotate. 20 books are available and an email will be sent out if all of the books are claimed.

If you have any questions or need assistance completing this form please contact Elizabeth Walters at ewalters@bostoncil.org.

Para la forma de inscripción en español, haga clic aquí: forms.microsoft.com/r/jUFZVYu4P2


This calendar is a public service and does not constitute endorsement by BCIL of other organization’s events.